St. Columba's School

Computer Applications
Class IX (2020-21)

As we approach the summer break, the childlike excitement is all pervasive!!!

It's a time when we at St.Columba's, wish that our students and their families stay safe and bond like never before.

Keeping in mind several requests from parents, during interactions lately, we have tried to strike a balance between academic revision for PA1 and fun filled activities!!! There is a week by week capsule lined up for you.

Please visit the last post on all your regular blogs for an update on the holiday homework. Please note that the submission for these assignments will be when the session resumes in July!!

Wishing you happy and fun filled holidays!!
St. Columba’s School
 (Practical based questions*-Based on Text Editing
Take the printout of the Practical based questions. . Keep the soft copy safe in a folder on your computer.

PART-1: (Practical based questions)*
1.      Create a Word document containing a table with pictures and small writeup about the Input as well as the output devices (atleast 6 input and 4 output devices)  in the following format:

2.      Using MS Word/ Writer , create an colourful appealing Class TIME TABLE of your class.

CHAPTER – 1An Introduction to computer System
A. Multiple choice questions:
 A type of computers that combine the features of both Analog and Digital Computers:
a. Hybrid Computers
b. General Purpose Computers
c. Special Purpose Computers
d. None of these
PDA stands for:
a. Personally Directed Associate
b. Pentium Digital Access
c. Personal Digital Assistant
d. Personal Digital Access
3.  A _________________ computer is a large, powerful computer that handles the processing for many users simultaneously (up to several hundred users).
a. Mainframe           b. Mini             c. Desktop                  d. Tablet

4. A ____________________ is a highly powerful microcomputer that acts as a server in a network.
a. PDA                       b. Minicomputer        c. Workstation             d. Smartphones

5. Computer is made up of:
a. Input Unit             b. Output Unit             c. Memory      d. Processor       e. All of the above

6.               A ____________ machine is used to transmit a copy of written and graphical information via the telephone network to a distant machine via the telephone network.
a. Radio                                                    b. Television                          c. Email                            d. Fax

7. Which of the following is not a Social Networking site?
a. Gmail                                                    b. Facebook                           c. Orkut                            d. Twitter

8.               __________________are online forums that allows open discussions in varied topics and allows exchange of information regarding a particular topic.
a. Newsgroup                                         b. Mailing List                      c. SMS                              d. RSS

9. ____________ is an application software that allows transmission of audio and video in real time.
a. Microsoft Word                               b. Skype                                   c. Gtalk                            d. None of these

10. ____________________ is used as an online journal or diary.
a. Youtube                b. Skype           c. Podcast        d. Blog

B. Fill in the blanks:

1.            _________ is an electronic device for performing calculations or controlling operations.
2.            Technological Convergence refers to linking of computing and other information technologies, media content and __________
3.            __________ is a characteristic feature of a computer that makes computer do different type of task.
4.            __________ purpose computers are designed to perform only one specific task.
5.            _________ Computers work on the principle of measuring, in which the measurements obtained are translated into data.
6.            _________are high-end mobile phones that typically run operating systems similar to the tablet computers.
7.            A ________ is a multi-user computer that is less powerful than a mainframe but is more powerful than a microcomputer.
8.            A ____________ is a technology that to the transfer of information and ensuring that what is sent is also received.
9.            The ________ technology is used to transmit and detect communication signals consisting of electromagnetic waves that travel through air or by reflection from the ionosphere or from a communications satellite.
10.            The ________ is the most popular form of communication technology.

C. State whether the following statements are true or false:
1.  Podcast is a communication technology that allows multiple users to communicate online with real- time audio, video and text chat in dynamic 3D environments.
                                                                                                                                                 2. 2. Twitter is a microblogging site.                                                                                                                    
3. Content Technology is responsible for delivering information to the user.                      
4.WordPress is an example of Blogging site.                                                                         
5.Youtube is responsible for audio streaming online.                                                            
6.Gtalk is an application software that allows transmission of audio and video in real time. 
7. Real Time Communication allows accessing of information by an individual in real time with other
8. Mailing List are online forums that allows open discussions in varied topics and allows exchange of
                                                                                                                                                 information regarding a particular topic.                                                                                                     
     9.   Taylor Farnsworth is considered to be pioneer for early development of all-electronic television.
    10.    A minicomputer is basically a mainframe computer that has been optimized for incredible speed
and maximum   processing power.              
PART-1: (Practical based questions)*
3.      Using MS Word, create a letter head for  St. Columba’s School. Include the school crest in the right corner. You can get its image from internet.
4.      Suppose you are a newspaper reporter. Write an article on Global Warming. Include an appropriate image , divide the text into two columns and use the  Drop Cap feature also.
CHAPTER – 1An Introduction to computer System
D. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you mean by “Convergence of Technologies”?
2.   State few characteristics of Computer that makes them special.
3.    What is a General Purpose Computer? How is it different from the Special Purpose Computer?
4. State the difference between Analog and Digital Computers.
5. What are microcomputers?
   6. State two differences between a Desktop computer and a Laptop Comuter.
7. What is a workstation?
8. Write short notes on:
a. Minicomputer                   b. Mainframe Computer                                c. Super Computer
9.     What do you understand by the term “Communication Technology”?
10. What is social networking?
11.What is an e-mail? How is it different from normal mail?
12. How is an email different from SMS?
13. Name some commonly used Social Networking sites.
14. How has Newsgroups helped in communication?
15. What is a blog? State two characteristics of a blog.

E. Answer as directed:

1.   For the purpose of maintaining accounts for his Office, suggest hardware and softwares to Mohit.
2.    Suggest which computer should be installed for Rukshir Travels as it will be responding only to the queries of the user related to Bus Timings and nothing else.
3. Define:
a. Data Collection
b. Input
c. Processing
d. Output
4. Match : .
a. Workstation
1. Alexander Graham Bell
b. Super Computer
2. is a powerful mainframe computer
c.  Mini Computer
3. Texting through Mobile
d. SMS
4. between micro and super computer
e. Telephone
5. is used in a computer network
  1. A microblogging site- _________
  2. A form of communication technology that allows multiple users to communicate online with real-time audio, video and text chat in dynamic 3D environments.- ___________
  3. Video or Audio files designed primarily for iPods by Apple.- __________
  4. One who maintains online digital diary.- __________
  5. A very popular video hosting site. - __________
  6. An application that allows audio and video transmission in real time.-_______
  7. A very popular social networking site. -__________
  8. One of the most popular communication technology which is almost replacing post offices.-________
  9. A network of networks.-________
  10. It is popularly called “Fax”. -________

PART-1: (Practical based questions)*
5.      Study the trends in the field of technology, and write an article on Artificial Intelligence for your school magazine.
6.      Create an interesting poster to create awareness on “ Save Environment, Plant more Trees”. Include appropriate picture(s) and also details of how it can be done. Let it look appealing and formatted like a poster.

CHAPTER- Word Processing Tools- Open Office Writer-I
A.    Multiple choice questions:

1. Which among the following software is not used for Word Processing?
a. OpenOffice Writer          b. Microsoft Word             c. Adobe PageMaker      d. OpenOffice Calc

2. Name the word processor feature that allows you to insert tabular data.
a. Table                                       b. Grid                                      c. Row and Column d. Excel

. 3. Name the feature of a Word Processor that allows you to insert Synonyms and Antonyms in a document.
a. Spell Synonyms
b. Thesaurus
c. Dictionary
d. None of these

4. Which among the following Toolbars will you find the option to make a text Bold?

a. Standard Toolbar    b. Formatting Toolbar             c. Align Toolbar           d. Drawing Toolbar

5. Which among the following icons of the Formatting Toolbar is used to change the colour of the font?

6. The _________________ alignment aligns selected text to both right and left margin.
a. Left Alignment                 b. Right Alignment            c. Centred Alignment        d. Justified Alignment

7. Which of the following is used to refer to a character that is positioned slightly higher than the text on a line?
a. Superscript                           b. Subscript                            c. Both a and b             d. None of these

B. Fill in the blanks:

1.  ________ is a feature in Word Processor that automatically moves to the next line when you have filled one line with text.
2.  _________1 is the default name for a Writer document.
3.  The Sidebar option is present on the _________ menu to activate or deactivate it.
4.  To Save and Open a Writer document the _________ Toolbar is used.
5.  The _________is used to zoom-in or zoom-out the current document.
6.  The _________of the File menu allows you to make a copy of the current document.
7.  _________is a set of characters, including letters, numbers, symbols and punctuators.
8.  To type in a series of capital letters the _________on the keyboard should be pressed.
9.  The _________on the keyboard is used to remove a character on the left of the cursor and Delete key is used to remove a character on the right of the cursor.
10. The _________ case is used to change all capital letters to small letters and vice-versa.
C. State whether the following statements are true or false:
           1.  The subscript refers to the characters that are positioned slightly lower than the text on the line.
By default the Tabs on a line are at a distance of 1 inch.
is a Tab stop that is used to align numbers using the decimal point.
The Tab Selector is used to change the Tab stops.
You can press the Enter key on the keyboard to mark the end of a paragraph.
An indent is used to set the distance of a paragraph from either the top or the bottom margin. 
It is possible to change the amount of space to leave between the lines of text.
Using the Page rulers it is possible to quickly change the margins in a document.
The default extension of an OpenOffice Writer file is .odt.
10. The keyboard combination to exit OpenOffice Writer is Ctrl + E.

PART-1: (Practical based questions)*
7.      Using MS Word/ Writer , make  a poster to create awareness about correct way of disposal of garbage. Use pictures and appropriate text.
8.      Suppose you are a reporter  for the school magazine. Using MS Word/ Writer,  create a report on the Investiture Ceremony held in your school recently. You may pick details from school website
CHAPTER- Word Processing Tools- Open Office Writer-I
D. Answer the following questions:
1. What is Word Processing? Give two examples.
2.  Name any three features of a Word Processor.
3.  State the significance of a Document area in OpenOffice Writer window.
4.  What is Ruler in the Writer window? Also state the units of measurement that you can do with the ruler.
5. What do you understand by the term “View Layouts”?
6.  Why do you require to save a document in Writer? How would you save an existing open document with a different name?
7.  What is the default file name extension of Writer document? Can you save a Writer document with .doc extension? If so how would you do that?
8.  State the difference between font face and font.
9. What is the significance of the “Undo” and “Redo” feature in Writer?
10. Give the steps for changing the colour of a selected text.
            11.  What are different possible “case” you can change a text into?
12. State the difference between “Justified” and “Centred”  Alignment.
13. What is the use of “Setting Tabs” in Writer?
14. State the difference between Subscript and Superscript.
15. What is Indentation?
16.  What are the different possible line spacing in Writer?
17.  State the steps involved in changing the page margin using the rulers.

PART-1: (Practical based questions)*
9.      Create an invitation card using MS Word/ Writer to invite the parents of students of Classes IV and V for “Rhyme and Rhythm” to be held on July 29,2020  in Edmund rice Hall  of St. Columba’s School.
10.  Write an application to the Principal  requesting him to allow you to participate in national level MUN (Model United Nations) to be held in Holy Child School in August,2020
CHAPTER- Word Processing Tools- Open Office Writer-I
E. Application based questions:
1.  Mr Rashid while typing a document, usually have the habit of using the Save Button on the Standard Toolbar to store the document. One day while working suddenly he does not find the Save Button. Suggest the method to Mr. Rashid so that he can again use the Save Button.
2.  Mrs Sujata has created a test on her students of class 3 on prepositions in OpenOffice Writer. She had created a paragraph as shown below:
Fill in the blanks with given suitable preposition:
1.  I want to lose 5 Kilogram______________ (on, at, in) one Month.
2.  Could you get me this pants _____________ (on, at, in) a larger size?
3.  She seems to be interested ______________ (on, at, in) psychology.
4.  I will come to pick you up _______________ (on, at, in) 2 pm tomorrow.
5.  This class will be held ______________________(on, at, in) Mondays.
But the space (especially the height) given for each blank is too less for a child of class 3 to write. So, they must get more gap between the lines of text.Suggest a method through which you will be able to help Mrs Sujata in increasing the space between the lines so that it helps the children in writing the prepositions comfortably.
3.  Miss Tripti a personal assistant at Zimole Corporation Pvt. Ltd. had typed in a correspondence as specified by her boss. But she was in a hurry and had typed the entire letter in capital letters. Help her in starting the method of converting the letter to lower case, with the first alphabet of a sentence in capital, without retyping the entire letter.
4.   Suzane was typing in a Chemistry Project on her she had a chemical equation on reaction of Potassium Permanganate and Hydrochloric Acid in the following way:
2 KMnO4 + 16 HCI = 2 KCI + 2 Mn C12 + 8 H2O + 5 C12
Which actually should have been written as:
2 KMnO4 + 16 HCI = 2 KCI + 2 Mn C12 + 8 H2O + 5 C12
Suggest a method through which she will be able to change the equation.



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